
So, there was an earthquake near Ottowa and apparently it was felt in New York – really, according to the apartment dwellers below, it shook their curtains. Funny, because those people they interviewed on the Upper East Side? Yeah. That building is right next to my school and we felt NOTHING.


Also, did I maybe take this picture with my new iPhone? Yes. These people were going to camp out all night to get the new iPhone. I felt a little mean taking a picture of them.


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2 responses to “Update.

  1. katedoner

    i totally felt the earthquake. my first earthquake. i know it’s messed up but it was a little exciting.

  2. Nancy Buckingham

    Finally . . . . I’m checking out your blog . . . and loving it! Need pics of Garrison, West Point across the Hudson and your rash? (or . . .maybe not. :( ) Your mom thinks you’re pretty great!

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